The memory of Saint Giovanni Bosco, Saint Domenico Savio and Saint Giuseppe Cafasso gives the name to this hill zone, which extends from the flat of Villanova, Villafranca and Baldichieri towns to the Province of Torino.
On the sunniest slopes, there are the vineyards where you can find Freisa, Malvasia and Bonarda grapes, together with a special variety of Nebbiolo grapes, used to produce in limited quantity the “Albugnano” wine.
In the levels, there are wheat, sweet corn and some other cereals fields, in alternation with small breeding farms where you can some valued races of Piedmont, such as “Fassone” (the Piedmontese ox) and “Gallina Bionda di Villanova” (the Blond Chicken), the protagonists of many traditional recipes, from the “battuta” row meat to the “blond chicken salami”.
You can visit the suggestive places of Don Bosco, in Becchi Hill locality, near the village of Castelnuovo don Bosco, the castle of Moncucco Torinese, with the Museum of Plasters and the beautiful Abbey of Saint Mary in Vezzolano, a real architectural masterpiece nationally.